December 2015

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December 1st, 2015:

Ah, the fresh start of a new month. So today was supposed to be a regular school day, but my father's car battery had died out, so we couldn't go to school or quite frankly, anywhere. My father let our sister and I stay home, so yay. :p I just played a lot of Mafia games on this site I found where you could play it in a chat. Oh, also worked on a custom fortune street board.

24 days left.
Better late than never

December 2nd-4th, 2015:

Regular school day. When I got back, I did my homework, relaxed for a bit, and then watched the Pokemon Anime/Cartoon.

December 5th, 2015:

I wrote my Christmas wish list today. Here is what I asked for:
  • The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes
  • Mario Party 6
  • SD2SNES Flashcart(to play SNES mods on my real snes)
  • DSTwo flashcart(same as above, except for NDS mods)
  • Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward
  • A new Gamecube controller and memory card
  • Money
I dunno if I want anything more. Things may come to me in the future.

December 6th, 2015:

Kinda did nothing all day, just lazed about in bed, browsed the internet, and played games.

December 7th-10th, 2015:

Regular school day. When I got home, I did my homework, relaxed for a while, and then played some Wii games for the rest of the day.
Yeah, I was thinking that I could find some online somewhere. The whole reason why I want a new controller is that the two I already own, well, are not in the best condition. The one that came with the console, I think the L and R buttons on it are iffy(it's weird when I play Dungeon Duos from MP4) and one that I bought years ago, the wire that comes out of the controller is frazzled(I needed duct tape for it to not expose all the wires) and the control stick on it is kinda weird.
December 11th, 2015:

Regular school day. When I got home, I did my homework, and then played games for the rest of the day.

December 12th-13th, 2015:

Relaxed and watched the Pokemon Anime all day.

December 14th-16th, 2015:

Regular school day. When I got home, I had no homework, so I went and played games.

December 17th, 2015:

Last day of first semester. When I got home, I still had no homework, so I went and browsed the internet and played games.

December 18th, 2015:

Pretty much just played games all day.

December 19th, 2015:

Played games for a while. Then my laptop finally got repaired, but it has Windows 10 installed on it rather than Windows 8.1. I'm not sure if I like it better than 7/8.1, we'll see. Then for the rest of the day I relaxed and browsed the internet.
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