December 1 - Winter-themed avatar and signature

A little reminder everyone, you can resize them easily this way:
[IMG]Copy your URL here[/IMG]
Be sure to add the number after the equal, and if you want to specify the height, just add height= separated with a space after the width= and do the same thing that the width, the height will be automatically resized if you are doing only the width to be more fitting. I have 500x159 and I'm almost at the limit for the width to don't annoy, so you should hopefully be able to do that this way. You can change the numbers to your conresponding size, if it can help you guys. It's because some sigs could cause some problems and complaints with their huge size right there and I know there's a little rule for this. If it's below that, you're all fine and don't need to touch anything.

Here's the topic in question for more info.