Dec 23 - Describe a Mario gaming moment

December 23 - Describe a Mario gaming moment!

Have anything worth to say about Mario? Want to talk about something you did in your Mario games? Then it's the place to talk about it! Feel free to discuss, express yourself! Just talk... with enough discussion and details going on, and get a chilly.

Bonus Chilly -> 3 posts in Mario Party Island Tour board.
Bonus Chilly: Made three posts in the MPIT boards.

Well, this one Mario moment isn't exactly my doing, but it was what I saw in watching in a Paper Mario video by a speed-runner. So the player rescued Eldstar and went on to Mt. Rugged to pick up Parakarry (I think it's required for game completion), and then returned to Toad Town. He then did some odd jumping at the outside corner of the Odd House (locked house next to Tayce T.) and somehow got in from the roof. He went in, appeared in the Rip Cheato area, and then fought Blooper where you would get a switch to make a pipe to Lavalava Island. The player continued on with the game, skipping part of chapter 2, all of chapter 3 and 4, it seems. That was one weird set-up that I saw in a speed-run. I didn't think cutting through a major sequence break was possible.

Though, I sort of believe this because, the very first time I turned on Paper Mario on the N64 after renting, I saw a file that looked liked it got the job done. But I never went into the file, and instead erased it.
Doesn't count for me either, but it was in a Mario Part 8 game I played a few days ago with my brothers and cousin.
We played on King Boo's Haunted Hideaway, and my older brother was up on everyone by 3 stars (he had 4 while everyone else had 1, which just not long ago, he stole one from my younger brother using the ? space).

Then, on the final turn - it all went south for him.
My cousin landed on that space and then stole a star from him, lowering his total to 3 stars.

Then, the game ended, and the bonus stars were handed out.

I got 1 of them (brought me up to 3rd), while my younger brother got 2, which gave him the win of the whole game.
We were all laughing so hard because my older brother can never win these games as of lately, and he was so close to actually getting this one. XD
He said we should have played Mario Party 9 instead afterwards. :p
You all have some interesting moments!

+ 2
+ 1

Let me know if I made any mistakes in the points! Check the Master List for the current rankings!