Crash Twinsanity


Ah, Crash Twinsanity.

It was a decent Crash game, alright platforming action and introduced Nina Cortex to the franchise. Also teamed Crash with Cortex, so it had something to remember.

For me this was my first PS2 game, but it was gone through in two days. But I should've known that when it comes to completing this game 100 %, things get sadistic at times.
You must go through each part very carefully so you won't miss a gem. Miss one and you'll never get a chance to get it again, unless you start a new save or something.

Only released for PS2 and X-Box though.  :-\
It wasn't... I'll say "as good", as previous Crash games, primarily because the classic parts of it are gone. I mean i like playing as Cortex but its still mainly dominated by Crash-playable levels. Also its too hard too early and some of the levels I really like we unplayable once I cleared them, so I have to start a new save game just to replay a level once. Way to go geniuses. I give it about 3 out of 5 stars.

P.S. Crash Purple and Spyro Orange were the games where Nina was introduced.