Crash Mind Over Mutant

The most recent and/or the last Crash game to be released, Mind Over Mutant picks up where COTT left off, and epically fails! You can't go back and challenge past chapters, you can't go back and re-fight bosses, and upgrade concept isn't really useful. You begin the game with all the moves you had in the past game, plus a few new ones. You start off by helping Coco finish an invention by finding spare parts around the island. Then N-Gin attacks you. Once you clear through a boss fight, you learn Cortex teamed with his old colleague N. Brio (no jokes please) again. So you need to find him and stop him. The fighting system is pretty good so it at least has that going for them. But the fact you can upgrade mutants you probably won't use again in the game doesn't make that much sense to me. You can explore the entire island when ever you want to, and there's a list of optional achievements, like defeating a certain number of enemies or clearing this much of the game, so achievement junkies can get their fix. You can play as Coco after you rescue her, but only if you aren't playing the PS2 version, that will only create "Carbon Crash" again, but this time instead of hiding in a backpack and jumping out whenever, they turn into a mask and can shoot projectiles at enemies, the more you charge it up the better the projectile. The story doesn't make a lot of sense and there isn't a lot to keep you hooked forever unless you're that kind of gamer who just has to collect everything and earn every achievement, but its alright if you need a break from the more epic games coming out this year like Mafia II or Halo: Reach (but probably not for long). A 2 out of 5.