Computer/Laptop Repairs

I think anyone who's had a computer of any sort for more than 5 years would have to have had it repaired at some stage. :p

For me, my first laptop (a school IBM) had its software image broken so t had to be repaired before it even started to be used. >.> It's had some other repairs including the screen hinge and a few screws.

My current laptop, the Toshiba, had its IHD fail on me September last year so I ended up buying it a new one and replacing it myself.

Before those days, our desktop had a few instances of failure to respond, and computer servicing did little to stop the impending troubles with a computer with only 32GB of space. :p
Toshiba gets on my fucking nerves
I had replaced the following for this laptop:
- Charger ($19.99 then to buy another $42.99)
- LED Screen ($69.99)
- Camera ($19.99)

And now the battery wants to die on me so I have to replace THAT as well. Fuck that, I'm going to buy a new laptop (Alienware M14X)
Either my computer for the desktop needs to be repaired now or just some cleaning, because the fan has been making too much noise, many more times than normal throughout this week. The computer is about four years or older, because I know I've been using this since Mario Party Legacy started. It probably needs some fan cleaning, as it may have so much dust in it.
The first laptop I ever had was a Toshiba Satellite Pro L640 that I got on May 2011. It was also the laptop that I used when I joined MPL. It was used for Office only as I had to do schoolwork; but on May 2, 2012 when it came to Gaming use, the system crashes and it failed to start-up when I turn it on. It costed me $300 for repairs and I lost everything including MPV (Mario Party Velocity) information. I refused to pick it up from repairs, and when I did in October 2012, the screen was damaged and the laptop had to be scrapped.

Now, I'm aiming for a powerful Toshiba Satellite L850-01R laptop during next month. Right now, I'm sharing another Toshiba laptop, which I don't like when I'm on MPL.