August 2013

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August 1st - 6th ~ 2013

Spent the week out visiting relative - the first few days had no internet access, but later got a bit of time to come on and do stuff.
Throughout the week, we went water tubing and swimming at the local beaches, and it was quite fun.

Otherwise, we were just playing games at either my cousin's place [I also was playing with his son who's about 14 months old, just entertaining him] for the first half, or my aunt and uncles for the second half (both related by the same way I'm related to them - not same family).

Around the half-way point, we help an unofficial memorial for my uncle who passed away about 2-4 years ago (if you want to know which year, it's the year where that drunk boat driver drove into that houseboat on Canada day and killed the driver (FYI - the driver of the houseboat was the person we were doing the memorial for).

Else, I played many games, one being Zelda 2 : Adventure of Link and beating it again 100%.
Other games include Fire Emblem Awakening, Animal Crossing New Leaf, Pokémon Platinum, and Super Mario Bros.
August 8th ~ 2013

Spent the day either playing games or job-searching still
August 9th-11th ~ 2013

Spent the weekend with a friend, mostly playing videogames with my younger brother and his friend (Most-played games - Nintendo Land & Mario Power Tennis) that was also with us for the weekend.
We also played games by ourselfs at one point for some reason... (They wanted to watch me speed-run Super Mario 64 for some reason, while my friend wanted to play League of Legends and my younger brother wanted to play Resident Evil 4 (But I didn't let my younger brother play his game by himself :p). He did basically pick the games we were going to play, though...

We spent it where I normally ski which currently there was something going on.
I go watch this at least once a year, so it's nice I got to with a friend. :p
Btw - it is the Whistler location where I ski. We have a place up there and everything. It's not where I normally live, though. =P

Oh, and apart from this and games, we played Monopoly (I learned I suck at this), and went swimming.
I also got a headache one night because about 30% of the time while we played games, everyone else was "fighting" with each other... and staying up later through the night (Up to 2 or 3AM). Other than that one part, it was a really fun weekend. ;D
August 14th ~ 2013

Spent the day actually just helping my Aunt move into her new place after living with a friend of hers when she and my Uncle separated (I think from what I heard - though I never knew that uncle too well. I think they're still fine with each other, just lifestyle differences, that's all).
So for most of the day, I was moving boxes into her home with my family and also helping build these make-it-yourself chairs she bought recently because they were cheap (one ended off having a short leg as well...)

Only got on not to long ago to also find that my computer got a virus somehow... (I blame my mouse's double-click issue it's been having).
I'm thinking I should take it in soon in case something happens, but I did do something about it and I hope it's fully gone now (about 99% gone if not all, which can still be a problem).

...oh, and played a little Fire Emblem Awakening when I got the chance. :p
August 20th ~ 2013

Played games all day today again.
Also got a call from a contractor whom I thought didn't want me asking for another interview the next morning.
August 21st ~ 2013

I started off the day calling the contractor who called me yesterday, who told me to wait for them to called back. When they did, they gave me a job.
I accepted, of course. Then my parents spent the day trying to prepare me for it...

...I also played games when possible. :p
August 24th ~ 2013

Went to the place where I normally go to ski (hopefully you know it's name by now :p) and had some family friends come with us as well.
We took them sightseeing the whole day because of that.
We even got to take them up the mountain as well to show them how it looks in the summertime (they've mostly been here during the winter when they came and skied with us), in which I took the time to make my 3DS perform streetpass with as many of the demo 3DS systems I could, getting the max number of tags at one time (but since I had no time to view the plaza and play the game, I only got to the max once and still didn't connect to many of the systems :p).

...otherwise, I played games and watched a movie.
August 25th ~ 2013

Held (and video recorded) the MKWii Community Night, played some games myself, and then started being reflective over everything I've done in my life up to this point, and just completely wanted to stop everything.
And I mean everything.
I was terribly depressed...
August 26th ~ 2013

Went to work and played games. Nothing else more other than recording more videos for my YouTube Channel.
You should go check it out right now - seriously. A new video might be out by the time you read this post!
  August 27th ~ 2013

Worked, and then played games all day today.
  August 28th ~ 2013

Worked, and then played games all day today.
  August 29th ~ 2013

Worked, and then... lost my job because apparently they thought I was a more experienced person and was going slower. ???
...A short bit later, I got the job back, but with a lower wage... and them placing me where they should have put me before. :(
I get tomorrow off, though, because of this...

...otherwise, I did stuff...
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