Kaskade or Deadmau5?
I surely do :3Takamachi Nanoha said:Like theblog name change?
I really don't know, I use IE and Safari (Ipod) and it's always there. It's probably Firefox, if not I would say your computer, but I doubt that.Vipsoccermaster said:Your Victini avatar disappears from the page after a page finishes loading. I'm using Firefox. What seems to be the problem?
Meh.... I don't know.... Don't know much floor drink names..Takamachi Nanoha said:If you did run a night club, what would you serve as floor drinks?
Her physic.Vipsoccermaster said:ELESA RETURNS!
What do you like about the Electric Gym Leader from Nimbasa City?
I prefer Swangler, but I have no problem with Spirit.31GHT B1T S3RVANT said:Spirit or Swangler?