STAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARYUUUUUUUUUUUUUU~ My my aren't we feelin' peachy under the shining sun eh? TBF when you first came on you confused me or made me go a bit "what?" at you, don't ask me why, but you're really the superstar nowadays. I must be a fool to have pulled those silly moves on you (you know what I'm talking about, I was a douche those times =n=), because you are outspoken, fun, funny, boojee when appropriate, sure-as-hell got your head around adminning the Legacy Fort, and much more. Don't even get me started on how much MPI has grown since the beginnings, it's like I said on the wiki the "never stopping juggernaut".
Keep on shining, for things can never be the same without you-ooh-ooh~