3DS: 1-year old!

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One-year(and a day ago) the 3DS was released in North America. I didn't get mine intil April 8th, but mine's still probably a year old.
You also get a "Streetpass" with Reggie from Nintendo, Lvl 5 in Find Mii and has every puzzle piece.
It's start was rough, look at it a year later.
I still say it's a tad stale. The only games I have gotten for it so far are MK7, Star Fox, and SM3DL. We shouldn't have to wait a year before the good games finally come into development and even then we still have to wait a few months.
The Joker said:
It'll be great once the mainstream games come out like Luigi's Mansion 2 and Paper Mario.. Otherwise the 3DS hasn't done that well.. It could have been WAY better had they released better launch games.
Agreed. It was released too early, and rushed. But now, it's turning out to be better, and it's still dominating in Japan. Throughout the year, I have 8 3DS retail games so far.
Time goes so fast. I got mine on Christmas, so mine is not really a year old. I have 5 games for it, but still haven't seen the game that will make me say that the 3DS is one of the best consoles. Super Mario 3D Land was a disappointment for me, Mario Kart 7 was great, but it's nothing ''new''. Star Fox 64 is simply a remake. I have Kid Icarus which I still haven't play and looks good, but I don't think it'll be THE game.
Vipsoccermaster said:
Kotaku said:
Happy birthday, 3DS! It’s been a rollercoaster of a year for Nintendo’s glasses-free 3D gaming handheld, which was first released on March 27, 2011. In the 365 days since it first hit America’s grubby hands, the 3DS has been the subject of both admiration and derision, both high highs and low lows.

It's 366 Days!! NOT 365!
Blue Toad said:
Vipsoccermaster said:
Kotaku said:
Happy birthday, 3DS! It’s been a rollercoaster of a year for Nintendo’s glasses-free 3D gaming handheld, which was first released on March 27, 2011. In the 365 days since it first hit America’s grubby hands, the 3DS has been the subject of both admiration and derision, both high highs and low lows.

It's 366 Days!! NOT 365!
who cares
DJ Swangler said:
kinetic563 said:
Nintendo 3DS now one year old.

Don't have one anymore because I personally think it sucks.
I agree with this, don't get me wrong, but it's just a DS with 3D, graphics are better yeah, doesn't mean games are.
I disagree ~ The 3DS has games like Super Mario 3D Land and Mario Kart 7~

It also has the Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D ~ and that's a game that can't be beaten!
Yoshiman222 said:
DJ Swangler said:
kinetic563 said:
Nintendo 3DS now one year old.

Don't have one anymore because I personally think it sucks.
I agree with this, don't get me wrong, but it's just a DS with 3D, graphics are better yeah, doesn't mean games are.
I disagree ~ The 3DS has games like Super Mario 3D Land and Mario Kart 7~

It also has the Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D ~ and that's a game that can't be beaten!
Members lack on other interests, do they?
Yoshiman222 said:
DJ Swangler said:
kinetic563 said:
Nintendo 3DS now one year old.

Don't have one anymore because I personally think it sucks.
I agree with this, don't get me wrong, but it's just a DS with 3D, graphics are better yeah, doesn't mean games are.
I disagree ~ The 3DS has games like Super Mario 3D Land and Mario Kart 7~

It also has the Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D ~ and that's a game that can't be beaten!
I didn't know your opinion was any better than theirs.
I think the Streetpass functions for me at least kill it a little since I don't Streetpass

The Spotpass features are good but could be expanded

I love the slide pad unless it's SSF4 where it becomes anal with input. Gyro for some games is ok (not MK tho :p)

The games I have are a mix of multiplayer Wifi and singleplayer so I'm not concerned about that.

Graphics are kinda cool

I think the 3DS is trying too hard to be 'the' social portable gaming platform, that's the only think I find it falls short of. XP
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