1 Year Anniversary

I can't believe it's been a year already... I have to say the same exact thing about my school year because I'm already on vacation :p. The game was really fun but I think it was too easy. I remember when reviewers gave it 10/10 for being the best 3D platformer but some reviewer gave it a 9/10 for being too hard which is stupid. They must really suck at platforming. I still remember beating the game for the first time within hours of buying it lol.
MLYW said:
Super Mario Galaxy 2 is waaaay better than the first. The game holds up well with my other favorite platformers even if the linear levels did bother me.
Yeah, I think they did a good job implementing new concepts (and im not talking about yoshi...) to better the first one, the levels were way more diverse than in Galaxy and there were so much different star missions.

I just never understood like why a big fat purple star would just randomly starting talking with Mario and stuff like that.
Simisage said:
Every game deserves a 1 year anniversary, no matter how bad. It takes a lot of time to make games like this.

And Wow, I can't believe it's been a full year, like just a year a go, everyone was talking about this game and stuff. :p SMG2 was a little more fun to me than the first one.
A game doesn't "deserve" a one year anniversary, it just happens. :p