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  1. 7MightyKarts

    The Birthday Thread

    Hey, late Happy Birthday from me too. Sorry for being late, I haven't seen you have birthday.
  2. 7MightyKarts

    Sonic 3D Blast / Flickies' Island

    Does anyone know this game? I've picked it on Wii VC and played it for some hours. It's nice, a bit different from other games as you don't move in 2D but in a simple 3D area. You have to rescue birds called Flickies that are kept captive in roboters.
  3. 7MightyKarts

    Raspberry Pi

    The Raspberry Pi is a very cheap (25-35$) ARM computer. Did anyone else get one? Currently I'm trying to setup an web server on it. What are you doing with it?
  4. 7MightyKarts

    The Anything Thread

    Went with my class at school from somewhere in nowhere to Hamburg. We went to this Christmas Parade thing. And I got three hot chocolate at Starbucks.  :D
  5. 7MightyKarts

    Favorite Classic Sonic Game

    The name says everything. What's your favorite classic Sonic game? I like Sonic CD very much. I've got it for iOS and Xbox 360. The soundtrack is very good and I've completed it nearly 70%.
  6. 7MightyKarts

    Currently Playing

    Currently I'm playing New Super Mario Bros. U and The World Ends With You: Solo Remix.
  7. 7MightyKarts

    Last Game You Got?

    NSMBU, got Wii U 2 days ago
  8. 7MightyKarts

    Hello, I'm 7MightyKarts

    Hello. I've joined this wonderful (looking  ;)) forum, because I want to stay up-to-date about recent Mario topics. I'm a big fan of the Mario franchise, but i like other nintendo games too and I've played many Mario games(especially from GameCube to 3DS and NES). I hope there won't be so many...