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  1. S

    TBS Activity Game 2 - NintendoFan vs Sashe2705

    Well, then there's one thing left to do. *raises white flag* Well played, NFan. ;)
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    TBS Activity Game 2 - NintendoFan vs Sashe2705

    Doesn't the "Trapped" status count only for movement :P?
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    TBS Activity Game 2 - NintendoFan vs Sashe2705

    But I used the Armored Knight's Vulnerary. He should still be alive now :P.
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    TBS Activity Game 2 - NintendoFan vs Sashe2705

    Armored Knight - Attack Soldier B
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    TBS Activity Game 2 - NintendoFan vs Sashe2705

    Wait, you posted? Sorry, I haven't seen it :P. Armored Knight - Use Vulnerary Also, how can NFan create Ice Pillars from where the Ice Mage is standing now?
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    TBS Activity Game 2 - NintendoFan vs Sashe2705

    Armored Knight - Attack Soldier B
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    TBS Activity Game 2 - NintendoFan vs Sashe2705

    Horseman - UP, UP, UP - Attack Soldier B - DOWN, DOWN, DOWN Armored Knight - UP, LEFT, LEFT
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    TBS Activity Game 2 - NintendoFan vs Sashe2705

    Armored Knight - Attack Horseman A Horseman - RIGHT - Attack Horseman A - LEFT
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    Hey, Yoshi5465, welcome to the forum and I hope you enjoy your time here! ;)
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    TBS Activity Game 2 - NintendoFan vs Sashe2705

    Armored Knight - RIGHT, UP, RIGHT - Attack Horseman A Horseman - DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, RIGHT - Attack Horseman A - LEFT
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    How Much Time do you Spend on MPL?

    ^Yeah, this :-D.
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    TBS Activity Game 2 - NintendoFan vs Sashe2705

    Horseman - UP, LEFT - Attack Ice Mage - RIGHT, DOWN
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    TBS Activity Game 2 - NintendoFan vs Sashe2705

    I won't do anything that turn. I don't have anything to do :-D. And by the way, I like the health bars. I think they work fine now and I don't think a number beside them is necessary.
  14. S

    Who else wants Super Mario 64 HD to happen?

    Why not? I mean, Mario games aren't known for their story :-D. And why is the World Map such a problem?
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    Who else wants Super Mario 64 HD to happen?

    I've never played the original, but yeah, maybe, it'd be cool to play it in HD. But I don't know, a second remake of the same game :P?
  16. S

    Sequels that need to happen

    ^This. The Galaxy games are the most underrated Mario games, in my opinion :P.