Board Name: Rainbow Dream
- Theme/Setting: This board follows a standard classic star-hunting design, comparable to your typical star-hunting boards like DK Treetop.
- Well-designed rainbow outer space theme.
- Well-designed board layout with rainbow paths being faster but costing 5 coins at the bank, and the outer path being free but longer.
- Crossing the long path without an item can be time-consuming, with approximately 28 spaces until the next item shop.
- The skeleton gate leads away from the rainbow path, which is weird for me personally but makes sense since stars can only spawn on the outside.
- The lack of star spaces makes star spawns very predictable for better or for worse.
-Crossing the long path without an item can kinda suck
Skeleton Key Gates:
- Provide access to the long rainbow path.
Board Layout:
- The board layout is relatively straightforward, with outside long paths and shorter inside paths, balancing speed and economy.
Underlying Design:
- Rainbow Dream is a fairly simple board with great board design and space layout. It can be compared to basic star-hunting boards in an average Mario Party game.
Overall Rating:
7 out of 10
Additional Notes:
- The well-designed rainbow outer space theme adds visual appeal to Rainbow Dream.
- The Nabit event introduces chaos but may not always be worth the high 100-coin cost.
- Full Game Played
- Yes
- Turns Played
- 20
- Opponents
- Computers and Humans
- Method of Play
- Real Hardware